Guard Patrol - Fire Warden Tracking System
Fire Prevention, Fire Wardens and the MiniTool Pro Patrol Monitoring System
The Mini Tool Pro Patrol Monitoring Solution provides you with the ability to produce accurate electronic reports identifying that your operatives are undertaking their tasks in accordance with your Fire Policy exactly when and where they should do.
Providing detailed reporting on routine activities such as:
- Routine checks that fire exits and escape routes are not blocked. This includes opening fire doors to make sure there are no obstructions outside.
- Fire Doors are not left open.
- Checking that the fire extinguishers haven’t been moved and that their servicing is up to date.
- Making sure nothing is covering any emergency exit break glass or fire alarm call point.
- Guarding against the accumulation of rubbish. A combustible fire risk.
- Regularly checking that emergency lighting is working (inside and outside the building).
- Weekly fire and disaster alarms checks.
- Carrying out periodic inspections to ensure that all parts of the premises are safe.
- Before locking up at night, make sure that there are no obvious dangers left behind, that no combustible material is lying around, all doors and windows are securely fastened.